To begin generating your own cards for the Transformers Trading Card Game, please download the following files. Be sure to read all instructions included.
Transformers.mse-game is the primary Magic Set Editor (MSE) theme. From there, additional styles are provided for the basic game’s card designs (coming soon).
Magic Set Editor
Magic Set Editor (MSE) is required to make use of the template file. MSE is basically a point-and-click card generator acting as a database and a rendering tool for custom cards of all games.
Download the installer for 2.0.0 or 2.0.1 from the link below…
Download the MSE Installer:
… and then download one of the following packages and extract its contents into your MSE installation directory to update your copy to 2.1.1, a requirement to use the Transformers MSE template.
Read Me PDF
Please download the following PDF ahead of installing the templates.
Transformers MSE Installer
The following installer for the Transformers MSE Template will install all of the base files for the Transformers template. If you are asked for a program to open the file with, select Magic Set Editor or “Select another app on this PC…” and navigate to your installation location for Magic Set Editor.
Once run, you will be given a list of all of the files in the installer; leave them all selected and simply click “OK” to install all included items.
The files on Google Drive are MSE Installer files. The ZIP File is the same contents, but in a ZIP file for those who cannot run the MSE Installers; open the ZIP file and extract the files to your Magic Set Editor /data/ directory.
MSE Transformers Game Files:
MSE Transformers Style Files:
MSE Complete Zip File:
Installing Fonts
Once installed, navigate to where your MSE is installed and click through to the Data > Transformers.MSE-Game folder, and open the folder marked “fonts.” Double click each font and click the “Install” button to install the font before using MSE.
All fonts included are licensed for personal use and distribution, and with attribution. All relevant licenses are included in the fonts folder. If there is an issue with any font included, please contact me here. If you intend to use any font for commercial purposes or redistribution, please follow the license guidelines included and contact the font author or licensing agency for appropriate licenses and permissions to do so.
Nate Petersen (Edge of Iacon) is the author of this version of the Transformers TCG template. Only templates, styles, and resources provided by Edge of Iacon should be used in conjunction with these files; performance and behavior are uncertain if files from multiple sources are mixed. As these are all derivative works no attribution is required but a nod would be appreciated!